
So I've been neglecting my blog these days and I feel guilty about it. But not as guilty as I feel about me being here and my husband being over there . . . at the new house. Much to my own surprise, this might be the first time I've written about our remodel. Odd, considering the project has seemingly dominated our lives over the past (insert gulp here) year? Dare I say (big dramatic sigh, slow-motion head nod, hands on hip) I think the end is in sight. Exciting things are happening and we are incredibly fortunate to be where we are. Casey was painting what was probably our last accent wall of the project (for now) this morning and as I watched him roll away, I had to walk away because of the overwhelming emotion that came over me. I couldn't quite put a finger on it but watching Casey paint "Ashen" on our wall was seemingly symbolic and made me reflect upon a ton of things all in a just sliver of time:

1. We are close to the finish line.
2. The road has been long, FUN, yet unpredictably and indescribably hard.
3. He trusts me with things.
4. I trust him with things. Just little things like electrical things, and what not.
5. The final product will be overwhelmingly beautiful and perfect (but only if he abides by my rolling technique rule).
6. Just when you thought you could never eat Burger King, pizza, cookies, beer and tater tots in one day-- just to survive-- you do. And it doesn't really matter, because the excitement takes over, and you really could care less if you're going to be bloated the next day.
7. The project has been therapeutic for both of us during some difficult times.
8. I married Bob Vila.
9. I am far too anal to perform many home improvement projects, but Bob loves me anyway.
10. In one year-- perhaps less-- we will have forgotten the stress, the late nights, the decision-making, the arguments, the fatigue, the juggling, the sacrifices . . . because it will have all been worth it.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
